CoLab Paris – Afternoon Panel

All CoLab: Paris 'coffeetalks' - by speakers such as Klaus Thomsen, Katie Carguilo, and Morten Münchow - were produced by our content partner Tamper Tantrum. We'll be releasing the videos of these talks over the next months, so we keep fuelling discussion and building an inventory of knowledge. Don't hesitate to share your comments, thoughts or any additional reading links.

We've posted the video and dialogue of each of the 6 speakers that we brought to Paris for our second CoLab event of 2015. However, we've got some additional material for you: Tamper Tantrum also hosted an afternoon "banter" session with Katie Carguilo, Klaus Thomsen and Morten Munchow. Through extended Q&A and discussion — moderated by our host Steve Leighton — these sessions provide great content and additional insight to inquisitive audience members. 

The afternoon panel discussion in Paris was a varied affair touching upon the ethics of direct trade, fair trade, innovation, genetic modification and other projects. All sparked by a caffeine-fuelled question from the audience – 'What drives you to keep going when the goal posts keep moving and how do you not become overwhelmed by all of the unsolved answers in coffee?!' 

This is the final video in our series of talks from Paris. Thanks to our host partners Tamper Tantrum for providing such professional and thought provoking content. Look out for video accounts of the CoLab: Antwerp talks coming up towards the end of June.