Livelihoods in Coffee Webinar Series

The Barista Guild is pleased to invite you to a four-part webinar series taking place this July on the topic of Livelihoods in Coffee.

Livelihoods in Coffee is an ongoing conversation within our community. There are many perspectives when it comes to a living wage and income in coffee: the perspective of the hourly coffee worker, the coffee business owner, the farm laborers, etc. All perspectives, from all links in the value chain, have similar livelihood needs, but also have important differences. What they have in common, is that a commitment to a living wage or income in the coffee industry has the potential to transform lives. These are concepts that, as the Barista Guild, we want to help the specialty coffee community get to know, understand, and to apply in their respective roles.

The Livelihoods in Coffee webinar series will combine insights from living income experts and coffee professionals who have implemented a living wage into their organisations, as well as research and knowledge from the Barista Guild Leadership Committee. You can read more about the Barista Guild’s discoveries by reading about our exploratory survey.


Join the Conversation

Join us on Thursdays through July at 8am Pacific / 4pm BST for live conversations with coffee professionals and living wage experts from around the world. Click the links below to register for each session on GoToWebinar. We look forward to seeing you online!

Did You Miss a Live Session? Stream It on YouTube

Recordings of each episode are uploaded so you can revisit them any time you like. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to get notifications as soon as new episodes are uploaded or come back to our website to find them here.