CoLab: Antwerp – Morning Panel Discussion

All CoLab: Antwerp 'coffeetalks' - by speakers such as Charlotte Malaval, Emma Sage and Stephen Morrissey - were produced by our content partner Tamper Tantrum. We'll be releasing the videos of these talks over the next months so we keep fuelling discussion and building an inventory of knowledge. Don't hesitate to share your comments, thoughts or any additional reading links.

Returning to the three morning speakers from CoLab: Antwerp with Talor Browne, Charlotte Malaval and Rob Berghmans – this panel discussion focuses on issues raised in Talor's talk surrounding staff management and staff mental health from a business owners angle. Charlotte's experience as a self-employed freelance barista puts an interesting perspective on the sustainability of working as a one-person team. 

Two key take-homes from this panel are that it is crucial to consider work/life balance whatever industry you're in and also, remember there should be no stigma attached to sharing your mental health and work-based issues! 

Further Reading